School Resources
Free and Reduced Lunch: Some students qualify to receive a free lunch at their school, based on household income and number of household members. To see if you qualify , fill out an application. Contact your children’s school to receive an application.
School Lunch Menu: Your children’s school(s) should post their school lunch menu on their website. Search online for your child’s school. The school may have paper copies of the lunch menu as well. Contact your child’s school to find out how to get a copy of the lunch menu.
School Fees: Contact your child’s school to find out what school fees you owe, based on different classes they may be taking. You should be able to pay the school fees with the front office/registrar or online on the school’s website. Contact the school for more information on school fees.
Skyward: Skyward allows you to check your child’s grades, class schedule, attendance, and more. You will need to register for an online account. Contact your student’s school for additional information and/or assistance creating an account and connecting it to your student’s information.
Boys and Girls Club: Offers after-school programs, tutoring, summer programs, and more resources. Contact your school to learn more about their Boys and Girls Club
Computers for Kids, Inc.: Once a year, students and families can fill out an application to receive a discounted laptop ($65-$150) to use at school or at home (virtual assignments to do at home, type up essays, etc). Website:
Alpine School District Family Literacy Resources
Alpine School District Adult Education (English)
Alpine School District
Student Support Services:
Student Educational Equity:
Bus Stops-
Free and Reduced Meals/Fees-
Utah Department of Education
Frequently Asked Questions-
Safe and Healthy Schools-
Prevention and Student Services-
General Resources
United Way: Provides services and programs to meet the needs of those in the community they serve.
Phone: 801-374-2588 – Email: [email protected]
211: United Way’s 2-1-1 service is a free and confidential number that individuals and families can call or text to find local community resources, programs and services based on their needs.
Community Action Services and Food Bank: Local food pantry; Also has other services, such as utility bill assistance, rent payment, motel vouchers, financial planning classes, homebuyer education and emergency crisis assistance. Phone: 801-373-8200 – Website:
Orem Public Library Hotspots- Receive access to a free hotspot from the Orem City Library to be able to use the internet from your residence for up to 6 weeks. Visit the website for more information:
Latino/Hispanic Resources
Centro Hispano: What they offer: Community Resources, Health Promotions, Low Income Tax Preparation, Citizenship Preparation, Workforce Development. Phone: 801-655-0258 –
Latinos in Action: What they offer: College Readiness, Literacy Tutoring, Leadership Development. Phone: 801-938-9161 – Website:
LGBTQ+ Resources
Encircle: LGBTQ+ family and youth resource center. Website:
Employment Resources
Department of Workforce Services: Job search assistance and job skill development; nutrition assistance program (SNAP). Website:
LDS Employment Resource Services: Helps individuals develop skills needed to find a job and assists with job searching. Website: – Phone: 801-818-6161
Food & Nutrition Resources
Utah Food Bank: Check out the Utah Food Bank’s website to find the closest food bank to you. Utah Food Bank also offers a mobile food bank that may come to your child’s school. Contact your child’s school for more information on our mobile food pantry.
Food and Care Coalition: Provides hot meals and sack lunches to individuals who are homeless, low income or transient. Phone: 801-344-8527 – Website:
Community Action Services and Food Bank: Local food pantry; provides hot meals. Also has other services, such as utility bill assistance, rent payment, motel vouchers, financial planning classes, homebuyer education and emergency crisis assistance. Phone: 801-373-8200 – Website:
Women, Infants and Children (WIC): Offers nutritional counseling and food assistance for families. Phone: 801-851-7340 – Website:
Tabitha’s Way: Provides a food pantry to those in need. Spanish Fork Phone: 801-830-3951, American Fork Phone: 801-692-1881
Financial Assistance Resources
Community Action Services and Food Bank: Local food pantry; Also has other services, such as utility bill assistance, rent payment, motel vouchers, financial planning classes, homebuyer education and emergency crisis assistance. Phone: 801-373-8200 – Website:
Home Energy Assistance Target (HEAT) Program: Assists families with gas and electric bills. Phone: 801-229-3855 – Website:
Utah Saves: Provides programs to help individuals and families save money, reduce debt and build wealth. Phone: 1-800-350-9899 – Website:
American Credit Foundation: Provides debt consultation and management programs. Phone: 800-259-0601- Website:
VITA Tax Help: Help with taxes January through April. To make an appointment, dial 211.
Housing Assistance Resources
Housing Resources (McKinney-Vento): Families experiencing homelessness or unstable housing situations may qualify for McKinney-Vento, which will allow a student to stay at their school of origin, waive school fees, and receive other assistance/help as well. Phone: 801-610-85676
Housing Authority of Utah County: Provides housing subsidies.
Provo City Housing Authority: Provides housing subsidies.
Community Action Services and Food Bank: Services include utility bill assistance, rent payment, motel vouchers, financial planning classes, homebuyer education and emergency crisis assistance. Phone: 801-373-8200 – Website:
Food & Care Coalition: Provides rental assistance. Phone: 801-344-8527 – Website:
Fuller Center for Housing of Utah County- helps Utah County homeowners in need with necessary
repairs and home revitalizations, making the homes safe and secure. For more information, visit
Boys and Girls Club of Utah County: The Boys and Girls Club of Utah County have received a TANF grant to help provide housing assistance for families experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness. Phone: 385-483-1920.
NeighborWorks Mountain Country Home Solutions: Provides low and moderate-income families with affordable rental housing. Also provide foreclosure prevention counseling, reverse mortgage counseling, mortgage modification services, and homebuyer education. Phone: 801-375-5820
Self-Help Homes: Provides an opportunity for low-income families and individuals to build their own new homes. Phone: 801-375-2205 – Website:
Habitat for Humanity of Utah County: Provides programs for low-income families to build or renovate homes. Phone: 801-344-8527 – Website:
Fresh Start Ventures: Homeownership programs, especially for individuals who have been incarcerated. Phone: 801-874-5361
Provo City Development: Home ownership programs. Phone: (801) 852-6400
Children & Family Resources
Parent Education Resource Center (PERC Orem): Acts as a learning library of its own, offering toys, games, and enrichment for children and parents alike, completely free to anyone. Located in the north basement of the Orem Public Library. Phone: 801-229-7390
Utah Parent Center: Provides free assistance to families of children with special education needs. Alpine District has its own Utah Parent Center consultant and her name is Maria Wiscombe and can be contacted at 801-318-1959 or [email protected]
Early Learning Essentials: Provides high-quality services uniquely targeted to the early childhood field. ELE has a long established record of serving children who face barriers to success and their families in Utah, Wasatch and Juab counties in the state of Utah for over 40 years. They provide preschool, family services, health services, nutritional services, mental health services, early head start, and more. Phone: (801) 375-7981
Grandfamilies of Utah County: Provides support and resources to families where the grandparents or other relatives are acting as the guardians for children due to a variety of reasons. Website:
Youth Services: A customized service approach to keep families safely together while effectively helping children with emotional and/or behavioral health needs thrive in their homes, schools and communities. Website:
Help Me Grow: Connects families to community resources, pregnancy, and child development information, including developmental screenings. Phone: 801-691-5322 – Website:
Welcome Baby: Promotes a healthy, secure and enjoyable beginning for parents, new babies and their family members. Phone: 801-691-5440 – Website:
Healthcare Resources
Medicaid Enrollment Help: Community Health Connect offers free help in enrolling in Medicaid. Phone: 801-818-3016 – Website: Medicaid Enrollment Help.pdf
Utah County Health Department: Provides low cost confidential testing, counseling, education and birth control. Treatment for certain STD’s are also available.
Phone: 801-851-7000 –
Mountainlands Family Health Center: Provides primary healthcare services, immunizations, and more. Offers sliding scale fee for those that are uninsured after interview. Also accepts Medicaid and Medicare insurance. Phone: 801-429-2000 – Website:
Health Clinics of Utah: Provides a primary health care facility to all people, including those on Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and PCN. Those without health insurance will pay the set rate. Website:
Volunteer Care Clinic: Provides free basic health care services for low-income and uninsured residents of Utah County on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5pm – 7pm. Website:
Roseman Dental School (South Jordan, UT): Provides screenings at no cost to determine your eligibility for treatment in their dental clinic. There are no income requirements or other criteria, although not all patients who get screened are eligible for future treatment. Because they are a dental school, they offer dental care at a much lower cost. Website:
Community Health Connect: Provides dental care to low income, uninsured Utah County residents through a network of dentists who provide free care in their own offices. Phone: 801-818-3015 – Website:
Half Price Dental: Provides professional dental services for approximately half the cost of the national average. Phone: 801-426-0774 – Website:
UVU Dental Hygiene Clinic: Offers discount dental cleanings for adults and children. $25 for adults, $15 for children, $15 for UVU students. Check their website so see clinic hours, as it changes each semester. Phone: 801-863-7608 – Website:
Utah Cancer Control Program: Provides breast and cervical cancer screening exams to underserved women. Phone: 800-717- 1811 – Website:
American Cancer Society: Provides relief to those who suffer from any type of cancer. Also assists in hair prosthetics referrals. Phone: 1-800-227-2345 – Website:
Utah County Wellness Clinic: Provides free skin screenings throughout the year and low-cost and no-cost cancer screenings for women ages 40-64. Phone: 801-851-7038 – Website:
Wasatch Wellness Recovery Clinic: A no-fee clinic for individuals who are uninsured or underinsured. The clinic offers group therapy, case management, psychiatric evaluations, and more. Phone: 801-852-3789 – Website:
Utah Valley Psychiatry and Counseling Clinic: Provides outpatient counseling services for children and adults. Accepts CHIP, Medicare, and private insurance. A sliding scale fee is available, if eligible. Phone: 801-357-7525 – Website:
BYU Comprehensive Clinic: Provides affordable mental health services to local community members. These services include counseling, psychological and neuropsychological assessment and support groups. Phone: 801-422-7759 – Website:
Provo Canyon Behavioral Hospital: Provides counseling services for individuals 12 years and older. Medicaid, Medicare, Tri-care and most insurances are accepted.
Phone: 801-852- 2273 – Website:
RXHope: Provides low-income US residents with information and free or low cost prescriptions through their health care professionals. Website:
FamilyWize: Provides families with a free prescription drug discount card.
Phone: 800-222-2818 – Website:
Utah County Department of Drug and Alcohol Prevention and Treatment: Provides access to services for those who struggle with substance abuse and addiction.
Phone: 801-851- 7128
Disabilities Resources
Utah Council of the Blind: Offers programs that address the challenges faced by Utah’s blind and visually impaired. Phone: 801-292-1156
Utah Autism Academy: Provides day treatment services for children and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Phone: 801-437-0490
Division of Services for People with Disabilities: Promotes opportunities and provides support for persons with intellectual disabilities to lead self-determined lives. Phone: 801-374-7005 – Website:
Kids on the Move: Provides education and therapy for children under age 3 who have delays or disabilities. Phone: 801 -221-9930 – Website:
Utah State Division of Rehabilitation Services: Provides services that assist individuals with disabilities to prepare for and obtain employment. Phone: 801-806-0950 – Website:
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