Hello Parents and Students,
I am Nurse Quincey, your school nurse at American Fork Junior High. I am so excited to begin a new, great school year with you! I have a few reminders as we get started.
Immunizations: For all students coming into 7th grade updated vaccine information is required, either records of the 7th grade vaccines or a renewed exemption certificate. Please see below for the requirements, but if you have any questions please reach out to me at [email protected]
Health Conditions: If your students have any new medical conditions or changes over the summer, please let me know! If they need to have daily medications, an inhaler for asthma, or an Epi-Pen for allergies, etc., there are forms that will need to be filled out by parent & physician. You can follow this link for plans for allergies, asthma, diabetes, and seizures. Or, if your student’s medication need does not fall into any of these categories you can use the Medication Authorization form.
Over the Counter Medications: Middle and High school students are allowed to carry 1 dose of easily identifiable medications like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and cough drops in their pockets or backpacks. They may not carry prescription medications – these can become an issue if they are shared, if someone takes them and they are allergic to them, or if the student takes too much. If your students need a prescription medication at school, please see the links listed under health conditions or reach out to me for help.
If you have any questions about your student’s medical needs please let me know so we can work together for your students to be at school.
© 2025 American Fork Junior High.