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Other Helps

Other ways the Counseling Office can assist you!

Academic Support

Students should speak with their teacher(s) directly as the first option of academic improvement. They are best able to help you with specific needs. Teachers are available for 30 minutes before school and 30 minutes after school.

Students and parents should check Skyward frequently to keep up to date on assignments and attendance.

Senior Success Information (CCR)

When Should I Start Applying for College?

Students should start applying now. Deadlines to receive scholarships for the school of choice close as early as December 1st.  Each college application is different.  Many schools have a different application for scholarships students must fill out in order to qualify for a scholarship.

How do I Defer a College Acceptance?

Students should apply to all colleges they would like to go to, then after acceptance, they have an option to defer (each college has a simple deferment process which can be completed after acceptance. Deferring allows students to keep any merit scholarships they may receive).

How Do I Apply For Scholarships?

Scholarships are best found through the college websites or on these websites: and Westlake has a rotating scholarship bulletin board in the office. We post any new scholarships on the board for students to receive information on.

How Do I Send My ACT Score & Transcripts To Colleges?

Go to to request your ACT score (some colleges accept the ACT score on the official transcript, please check with individual colleges for requirements). For transcripts, please come into the counseling office and sign the transcript request form. Westlake will send an official transcript to your requested college/s.

Is My Student On Track For Graduation?

Please take a minute to go onto Skyward and look at your senior’s graduation requirements to ensure they are on track.
  • log in to Skyward
  • go to left hand tab under graduation
  • look at requirements (anything in red students are deficient in and will need to complete in order to graduate.